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- Faraj and ‘The Neglected Duty’ – Interview with Professor Johannes J.G. Jansen
- Current expressions of the New Age
- Orthodox Churches: schism in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)
- Sayyid Qutb and his influence – Interview with Professor Ibrahim Abu-Rabi
- Document – Declaration of War of Sheikh Usamah bin Laden and Testament and Last Will of Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
- Document – Defence of the Muslim Lands
- Document – Martyrs: The Building Blocks of Nations
- Document – Join the Caravan
- Russia: varied State response to Orthodox-Catholic rift
- Religion and terrorism – Interview with Dr. Bruce Hoffman
- United States: new statistics for American Churches: 2002 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints now 5th largest in the United States
- The “last anchor” of Serb presence: Serbian orthodox sites in Kosovo
- Saudi Arabia: an ancient ritual, this year’s hajj wore a modern face
- Turkey: court ruling shows authorities’ refusal to see Alevism as a religious community
- United States: scholars get religion
- Internet Church starts english worship service: Christ preached in English from Hungary
- Document – Why I am not a traditionalist
- Document – The Day of Wrath – Is the Intifadha of Rajab only the beginning?
- China: leaders sound caution on Bibles for China project
- China: battle with tradition spills into cyberspace – Traditional funerals and the internet
- Central Asia: Fetullah Gülen’s missionary schools
- Kyrgyzstan: Ahmadi community fears for its future
- What is jihad? What is terrorism? Statement by Muslim scholars
- Azerbaijan: State hounds Muslim leaders
- Buddhism: finding Buddha in Africa – A Pure Land temple in South Africa
- Estonia: Moscow Orthodox Church finally registered
- The crisis in Venezuela and Latin America: the expectations of the poor and the role of the church – An analysis from an Evangelical perspective
- Russia: tensions worsen between the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church
- The Shari’a debate: religion and politics in Nigeria – Interview with Rosalind I. J. Hackett
- Document – Islamic Ruling on Permissibility of Martyrdom Operations
- Bosnia: foreign-funded mosques under scrutiny
- Estonia: two branches of Orthodox Church seeking to live in one country
- Document – Terrorism: does Islam promote suicide bombing?
- United States: U.S. commission dissatisfied with State Department religious freeedom stance
- Turkey: secular country encourages women to take greater part in religious life
- Uzbekistan: government backs Sufism to counter Wahhabism
- Hizb ut-Tahrir in Central Asia
- Moldova: will Supreme Court victory help True Orthodox?
- Religion in Africa – Interview with Stephen Ellis
- Lithuania: priests and journalists may be secret agents
- The American Evangelical missionary impulse – Interview with Prof. Mark Noll, Wheaton College
- Al-Qaeda disrupted but retains vast network
- Bosnian muslim cleric urges restraint against Islamic charities
- Moldova: problems of registration for various religious groups
- Moldova: deadline expires, but no compensation for Bessarabian Church
- Macedonia: bishop accused of treason after accepting the authority of the Serbian Orthodox Church
- Estonia: registration transferred from Interior Ministry to courts
- Macedonia: Church deal bishops accused of treason
- Republic of Mari-El (Russia) – Mari Paganism: historical confession without privileges
- Republic of Mari-El (Russia) – Mari Paganism: traditional religion or destructive cult?
- Macedonia: Orthodox Church conflict continues
- Russian-speaking people: Christian satellite TV channel takes to the air
- Document – The unreleased interview with Usamah bin Laden
- Religion and international relations – The case for a religion attaché
- Macedonia: latest developments in Orthodox controversy
- Russia: Upper Chamber to begin process of returning land to Church
- Russia: are religious organs equal before the law? Report on experiences in Tatarstan and Mari-El
- Uzbekistan: Christian missionaries lure youngsters
- Moldova: Bessarabian Orthodox Church wins ten-year registration battle
- Belarus: independent Orthodox church bulldozed
- Belarus: church destruction sparks outrage
- Uzbekistan: former mufti criticises anti-Islamic campaign
- United States: Jewish groups feeling the pinch after post-9/11 hikes in insurance
- Poland: poll scrutinizes attitudes toward Catholic Church
- Colombia: new rebel threats against Americans renew concerns for missionaries
- Document – Letter from the All India BuddhaGaya Mahabodhi Mahavihar Action Committee to Mary Robinson, High Commissioner For Human Rights, United Nations – 31 July 2002
- Indonesia: Christian villages burn again
- Estonia: government proposes compensating Orthodox Church
- Azerbaijan: religious education sparks controversy
- China: Christians neglected in Inner Mongolia
- Kyrgyzstan: Hizb ut-Tahrir bolstered by female recruits
- Lutheran Church membership exceeds 65 million worldwide
- The United Church of Christ and the World Wide Web – Interview with Andrew Lang
- Russia: census and religious statistics
- Kyrgyzstan: government hints at crackdown on Islamic extremists
- Tajikistan: crackdown on imams
- Armenia: crackdown on Jehovah’s Witnesses strains ties with Europe
- Turkey: moderate Islamic party’s victory in polls looks inevitable
- Azerbaijan: official outlines religious censorship procedure
- Ceuta and Melilla: after 500 years, Jews leaving Spanish enclaves near Morocco
- “Eastern Lightning”: Chinese house church supporters face heterodox movement
- Russia: national policymakers want Islamic clerics trained at home
- Georgia: Church and State in tight embrace
- South-East Asia: Russian Orthodox expand their presence
- North Korea: proposed Orthodox chuch will primarily be for Russians
- Belarus: uncertain future for True Orthodox parishes
- Tajikistan: “political imams” sacked
- Tajikistan: further mass closures of mosques
- Nigeria: first Shari’ah flogging in the South
- Latvia: Christian Science finally registered
- Islam: Muslims prepare for holy month of ramadan
- Uzbekistan: prosecution of a Jehovah’s Witness
- Russia: destruction of Orthodox church in Tatarstan
- Russia: ex-KGB renews interest in religion
- North Ossetia honours “Pagan” Saint George
- Uzbekistan: conviction of Jehovah’s Witness may set precedent for crackdown on Christian proselytizers
- Document – Letter of the Chaplain of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire to the new Archbishop of Canterbury
- Russia: public opinion divided over tuition of Orthodox culture in State schools
- United States: Washington announces plan to promote democracy in Muslim world
- American Protestantism: four out ot ten Protestant ministers do not hold the same political and theological positions as their denominations
- Chechnya: Chechens fear “Wahhabi” threat
- Pakistan: terrorists attack church service
- Top ten religion news stories for 2002: an American perspective
- Peru: Protestants, Catholics lobby for constitutional reform
- Europe: more priests in the East, fewer in the West
- Belarus: minority faiths fear rise of Orthodoxy
- From deprogramming to strategic interaction – Interview with Steven Alan Hassan
- Iran: extremist society’s resurgence underlines system’s drawbacks
- India: madrassas caught between tradition and pressure to modernise
- Afghanistan and Islamic values: ban on cable TV seen as symptom of power struggle
- Iraq: Shia majority hopes for greater share of power after Saddam
- Afghanistan: Hindus still face prejudice
- Kosovo: Serb church concerns
- Albania: signs of a comeback in religion – Interview with Jim Forest
- Vatican: the best intelligence service in the world? – Interview with David Alvarez
- Document – A Rejoinder to a Challenge of the Legitimacy of the Orthodox Monastic Brotherhood of the Holy Monastery of Esphigmenou
- Norway: Lutheran theologian becomes Roman Catholic
- Albania: Imam killing exposes Muslim divisions
- India: Pentecostal churches flourish in Kerala
- Religion and environment: filthy Ganges makes religious leaders see red
- Chile: first Luther monument in Spanish-speaking Latin America
- Russia: Orthodox Church takes on Rasputin
- Hizb-ut-Tahrir remains active in Central Asia
- India: Government under attack for moving court in Ayodhya tangle
- Africa: Christian retaliation increasing in Nigeria’s religious violence
- India: Hindutva is an all-encompassing vision
- The Islamic Party of Russia
- Chechnya: Amir Abu al-Walid and the Islamic component of the Chechen war
- Kyrgyzstan: Hizb ut-Tahrir accused of increased militancy
- Bangladesh: party wants enforcement of ‘fatwa’
- Russia: Supreme Court supports ban on headscarves in document photos
- India: potential temple-mosque trouble spots abound
- Indonesia: Islamic court opens in Aceh
- U.S.A.: State Department lists severe religious liberty violators
- Hajj: travails of Dagestan’s pilgrim traders
- Iraq: Christians face unknowns of war
- Survey: American churchgoers and war with Iraq
- Vietnam: officials hold “informal talks” with house church leaders
- Russia: religion looms as electoral factor
- Russia: new parliamentary force for “traditional spiritual values”
- Iraq: Christian community faces uncertain future in postwar era
- Sikhism: biggest gurdwara outside India opens in London
- India: a temple where Mahatma Gandhi is a deity
- Egyptian media: religious dimensions of the war against Iraq
- Belarus: True Orthodox battle on for legal worship
- Belarus: non-Moscow Orthodox “banned” from registering
- Gujarat: minorities welcome withholding of governor’s nod to anti-conversion bill
- Sects and New Religious Movements: Questions and Challenges for Armed Forces and National Security
- Ayodhya: Buddhists stake claims to controversial site
- Uzbekistan: Muslims fined for prayers in closed mosque
- Russia: Kalmykia’s “common defence” against “non-traditional” religions
- Kalmykia: few complaints over Kalmykia’s state support for Buddhism
- Afghanistan: preaching for peace
- France and “cults”: a new orientation – Interview with Jean-Louis Langlais
- India: Sikh priests divided over new calendar
- Central Asia: only limited censorship of religious websites
- Iraq: the Shia challenge to the United States
- Latvia: registration “refuseniks” to challenge “discriminatory” law
- Pakistan: huge increase in madrassas
- India: Haryana’s Dalits converting to Buddhism
- Kosovo: no protection in capital for attacked Orthodox Church
- India: Hindu groups demand ban on conversions in Bihar
- Uzbekistan: total state control over Islamic faith
- India: imbroglio over Sikh women’s religious rights continues
- Dagestan: Islamic schools prospering
- Russia: Orthodox becoming first among equals
- Turkmenistan: Russian Orthodox and citizenship moves
- Central Asia: in Tajikistan and elsewhere, Islamic groups still on the fringe
- Russia: security forces dismantle alleged Moscow-based cell of Hizb-ut-Tahrir
- “Our terrestrial journey is coming to an end”: the last voyage of the Solar Temple
- India: crematorium to offer webcast of last rites
- Vatican: unorthodox moves in Kazakstan
- Indonesia: Christians protest new education policy
- India: priests sulk as Jharkhand temple goes online
- Uzbekistan: new controls on access to religious websites
- Iraq: Sunnis, Shias split over how to oppose U.S.A.
- Anglican Church: role of homosexuals sparks heated debate
- Belarus: new concordat gives Orthodox enhanced status
- Azerbaijan: religious freedom survey
- Iraq: Shi’a holy cities regaining their former prominence
- U.S.A.: immigrants boost number of Roman Catholics
- Pakistan: check growth of madrassas
- Uzbekistan: harsh border cuts Muslims off from Turkmen holy sites
- Macedonia: religious dispute escalates
- Tajikistan: too many mosques?
- Great Britain: placing religion at the centre of the New Labour project?
- Scotland: large Sikh gurdwara coming up in Glasgow
- India: Tirupati temple to launch online booking
- Thailand: Thai convert trains to become Russian Orthodox priest
- South Korea: government plan to merge religion and culture offices draws opposition
- India: neglect of Jain heritage in Tamil Nadu
- Iran seeks to expand influence among Iraqi Shi’a community
- India: Tamil Nadu devotees caught between deity and authority
- Kyrgyzstan: foreign missionaries offer faith and food
- Kosovo: religious freedom survey – September 2003
- Turkey: Orthodox Patriarch steps up seminary debate – Church leader seeks to reverse 32-year ban on theological schools
- India: 50th birthday of Mata Amritanandamayi
- Bangladesh: increasing number of women using the veil
- India: 5,000 Dalits convert to Buddhism in Gujarat
- Anglicans: Pope warns of “serious difficulties” for unity of Churches
- Russia: the impact of Islamic parties on the elections
- Karachai-Cherkessia: church ownership row
- Azerbaijan: election crackdown on independent Muslim leaders
- Sri Lanka: conversions spark controversy
- Russia moves to embrace Muslim world
- India: 70 Hindus convert to Buddhism in Bodh Gaya
- India: Mumbai’s roadside shrines being knocked down
- India: religious groups join hands to halt demolition of shrines in Mumbai
- Great Britain: Home Secretary Blunkett wants imams to learn English
- India: annual pilgrim season at Sabarimala temple
- Afghanistan: approval for Constitution’s Islamic content
- Turkmenistan: secret police close down mosque refusing to go against Islam
- Mongolia: authorities don’t follow neighbours’ exclusion of religious leaders
- Iraq: women join Shia revival
- India: the lost Jews of Mizoram
- India: VHP launches drive against Christian missionaries and conversions in Chhattisgarh
- China: when will Beijing’s Orthodox have church?
- Kyrygyzstan: religious freedom survey
- Afghanistan: Shia make constitutional gains
- Nepalese to spread Osho’s gospel in India
- Sikh religious bodies appeal to France on turbans
- Sri Lanka: Buddhists on warpath
- Kazakhstan: mosques resist pressure to join state-recognised central organisation
- Tajikistan: Islamic party slams banned rival
- Total number of Lutherans worldwide climbs to nearly 66 million
- Turkmenistan: State interference with Islamic religious life in the north east
- Sikkim: winds of change in Himalayas take toll on Buddhism
- Russia: alternative Orthodox denied legal status
- Russia: alternative Orthodox denied church property
- India: mysterious killing of sadhus in Uttar Pradesh
- India: USA funds training of Islamic seminary teachers
- Pakistan’s moves to secularise education evokes protests
- Sri Lanka: Buddhist monks brace for political role – but of a different kind
- Iraq: controversial Shia ritual under fire
- Germany: Muslim groups denounce terrorism
- Turkmenistan: religious freedom survey
- USA: religion survey challenges idea of secularisation
- Muslims in the West: head scarves in the headlines, but countries take different approaches
- Uzbekistan: crackdown on all faiths follows terrorist bombings
- Kazakstan tackles Hizb-ut-Tahrir
- Iraq: Yazidis fear renewed persecution
- Colombia: Catholics begin peace initiative
- China: “open” and “underground” communities hold separate services side-by-side
- Turkey: TV producer sentenced to jail for slandering Protestants
- Church of England: success of investments raises spending questions
- Religion and technology: MacQibla, a prayer time calculator for Muslims – Interview with Trygve H. Inda
- Islam in Tajikistan – Interview with Abdullo Hakim Rahnamo
- Uzbekistan: shrinking Lutheran Church begins recovery after decade-long exodus
- China: religious freedom and the legal system – continuing struggle
- Kosovo: nobody charged for the destruction of Orthodox churches and monasteries
- Roman Catholicism: the Dutch sea of secularization – Church in the Netherlands Awaits a Turning Point
- Israel: rabbis speak out against alliance with evangelicals
- Central Asia and Middle East: US failure to comprehend radical Islamic motivations
- European Union: God unlikely to get a name check in European Constitution
- Orthodox Judaism: wigs made from the hair of Hindu women not kosher
- Sikhs: a vibrant community
- Traditionalism: René Guénon’s legacy today – Interview with Mark Sedgwick
- India: 200 buffaloes sacrificed in Tamil Nadu temple
- India: objection to Muslim women praying at college mosque in Kerala
- Great Britain: Church of England may restructure to focus on mission
- New religions: an encyclopedia offers rich information on contemporary religious movements
- USA: Hindu university finds few takers
- Dagestan: feuding Muslim clerics and pilgrimage to Mecca
- The Gülen Movement: a modern expression of Turkish Islam – Interview with Hakan Yavuz
- China: government blocks religious websites
- Sri Lanka: minorities oppose anti-conversion bill
- Olympics 2004: Muslim women athletes move ahead, but don’t leave faith behind
- Vatican: Pope sets up Vatican office to rekindle ideals and morality in sports
- India: Railway Minister keen to develop Buddhist rail circuit
- Thailand: religious leaders say young people must be drawn back to religion, family
- Central Asia: is Hizb ut-Tahrir a threat to stability?
- Bali: young Hindus to set up world body in November
- India: wake-up call for dwindling Parsi community
- China: Orthodox Christians soon to be allowed priests?
- North Korea: will local Orthodox dare to regularly attend new church?
- Germany: significant progress in talks on future links between Protestant bodies
- Sikhism in the West: death of Yogi Bhajan
- Bulgaria: Muslim infighting fuels fundamentalist fears
- Iraq: Christians fleeing to Jordan, Syria
- Germany: Muslim headscarf ban will apply to nuns
- United Kingdom: Soar is the new Ganges for British Hindus
- Anglican Communion: latest developments in the crisis over homosexuality
- Malaysia: woman fights for right to convert
- Toward a rebirth of the Orthodox Church in China – Interview with Mitrophan Chin
- Sikhism: another symbol generates controversy
- Armenia: government opens door to Jehovah’s Witnesses – stormy public reception
- United States: religion was key determinant in presidential race
- France: Sikhs vow to fight turban law
- Globalized Islam – Interview with Olivier Roy
- Latin America: Evangelical Christianity moves the masses – A report from Venezuela
- Evangelicals and music: rapper in paradise – Interview with Vico C
- USA: Georgia schools accomodate Muslim religious needs
- Christianity: Vatican ‘Christianophobia’ campaign criticised
- United Kingdom: non-Christian chaplains to be appointed by armed forces
- India: politics of renunciation, traditional and modern – Analysis
- Kazakstan: clerics quizzed in test to root out radicalism
- USA: groups work to “keep Christ in Christmas”
- Concerns and challenges for contemporary Baptists
- South Africa: Arabic rap moves Islamic youngsters in new way
- Iraq: kidnapped archbishop released unharmed
- Great Britain: concern over rise in ‘faith schools’
- Iraq: electoral choices vary in Shia areas
- Tajikistan: Islamic Party fights its corner
- Azerbaijan: Hajj dreams shattered
- India: fellowship congregations ease out traditional Kerala churches
- Apocalypse in Uganda: a book on the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
- India: Buddhism in Northeast losing originality
- China: house church leaders are divided over new regulations
- Kyrgyzstan: girl pursues a difficult dream — becoming an imam
- United Kingdom: political agendas of Evangelicals may be broadening
- China: an overview of policies governing religion
- United Kingdom: Christian party launches manifesto
- India: Muslim Internet marriage
- Venezuela: the Marian apparitions of Betania attract an international following
- Anglican Communion: hope for traditional Anglicans with the new Pope?
- India: burqa gains popularity among Kerala Muslim women
- Venezuela: opting for the poor – liberation theology today
- United Kingdom: ecumenical body faces post-Christendom shake-up
- Bangladesh: Ahmadiyya mosques torched, bombed
- Russia: opening of country’s biggest mosque highlights Kazan’s millennium
- Turkmenistan: “virtual catastrophe” for Muslim theological faculty
- India: big screen infomercial discourages conversions
- India: holy bath passport for Mizo Jews to Israel
- From Pagan resurgence to Pagan global culture – Interview with Selena Fox
- South Africa: controversial Muslim missionary dies
- Iraq: Islamist women speak out on Constitution
- India: pizza, hot dog, cola – for children’s goddess
- India: Bhopal jail hopes to make priests out of prisoners
- Afghanistan: Sikhs rebuilding gurdwaras
- Great Britain: Hindus plan protest against stamp
- India: denied temple entry, American woman gets support
- USA: anti-war sermon brings tax trouble
- India: all rituals repeated after a Christian enters a temple
- United Kingdom: Hindu, Muslim, other minority chaplains in British army
- Central Asia and Caucasus: hijab ban sparks protests
- Northern Ireland: Churches face dramatic decline
- Jewish messianism and the settler movement after Gaza withdrawal – Interview with Gideon Aran
- Europe: promoting Muslim integration
- Church of England: vicars to get performance appraisals
- Pakistan: seminaries refuse to expel foreign students
- Anglican Communion: Church of England to press ahead with women bishops
- Evangelicals: Israel pulls plug on televangelist’s Bible theme park
- Islam: Danish daily’s Prophet cartoon sparks anger, boycott in Gulf
- India: Hindu temples may have apex body
- India: astrology, mystic sciences exhibition, a crowd puller
- Religion: analyst describes Europe’s blasphemy laws – Interview with David Nash
- Indonesia: blasphemy case against Adam and Eve photo exhibit
- Islam: rage over cartoons – spontaneous or political?
- United States: negative perception of Islam increasing
- United Kingdom: bill on women bishops could trigger church-state crisis
- Women and Islamic Cultures: an ambitious academic project – Interview with Suad Joseph
- Islam: Muslim scholars divided over Islam’s penalty for apostasy
- Zimbabwe: clerics take joint stand – Churches unite against Mugabe
- Religion in Europe: EU searches for correct terms on Islam
- Religion in Egypt: beyond fantasies and rumours – Kees Hulsman and the work of the Centre for Arab-West Understanding
- United Kingdom: poll suggests Da Vinci code undermines trust in Catholic church
- Europe: Churches call for a European peace agency
- Nepal: Hindu bodies protest against secularisation
- From Swedenborg to the New Church – Interview with Jane Williams-Hogan
- China urged to give official recognition to Judaism
- USA: Evangelicals join faith leaders in opposition to torture
- Bolivia: Protestants back calls for a secular constitution
- India: American builds Jagannath temple for foreigners
- India: Muslims demand right to pray in ancient mosques
- Anglican Communion: election of female leader highlights liberal, conservative Anglican divisions
- Pilgrimages: thousands still flock to Lourdes
- China: religious books’ tortuous route to the shelves
- USA: Buddhism becomes alternative religious ticket
- India: legislation to ban propagation of other religions in Hindu pilgrim centres in Andhra Pradesh
- India: are Muslim youth distancing from religion?
- Pakistan: Sufism promoted to improve image
- Analysis: new religious movements in Western Europe
- India: Chinese-made Hindu gods rule Indian markets
- India: outsourcing rituals – faith is now a phone call away
- Iraq: Mecca Charter unlikely to stem sectarian violence
- India: President amongst thousands to attend Sai Baba’s birthday
- Sikhism: Western reactions forcing Sikhs to shed turbans
- Iraq: Christians debate self-autonomy to halt exodus
- Iraq: Istanbul conference enflames sectarian tensions
- Angola: mending children broken by accusations of witchcraft
- Pakistan: ‘moderate’ madrassas mushroom in Islamabad
- USA: Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton back new look for North American Baptists
- India: seven million take icy baths in salvation quest
- Religion and politics: Ayodhya temple not high on global Hindu meeting agenda – but thinking about elections
- United Kingdom: Paisley and Blair form ‘special bond’ around Christian faith
- Egypt: government gets tougher on Muslim Brotherhood
- Nepal: King’s envoy carries message to Hindu meeting in India
- Russia: Putin’s faith raises questions
- Zimbabwe: Churches hear Easter call for liberation
- China: Catholics, the Holy See and religious freedom
- India: Andhra Pradesh bans propagation of other religions at Tirumala temple
- Lebanon: Hizbullah, a progressive Islamic party? – Interview with Joseph Alagha
- Moscow: Russian Orthodox Churches unite
- India: bomb hits mosque in Hyderabad
- Europe: followers of the Sikh religion complain of rising discrimination
- United Kingdom: controversy over ‘Fat Buddha’ in Durham
- Ghana: clashes between Sufis and radical Muslims
- Religion and economics: the development of Islamic banking in sub-Saharan Africa
- Egypt: sexology within the boundaries of Islam
- Singapore: countering Islamic radicalism on the Internet
- Proselytism: Evangelicals back other Christians on conversion code of conduct
- Ireland: factory to make way for Hindu temple
- India: Krishna devotees on clean Ganga mission
- Berlin: work begins on Hindu temple
- Global Christian Forum: ‘most diverse Christian gathering ever’
- India: incidents over access to Jagannath temple
- Islam: British mosques to tackle extremists
- India: ex-royals stop animal sacrifice after campaign
- Uzbekistan: Haj pilgrims still strictly controlled and restricted
- Hinduism: US website offends believers
- Islam: from Taliban captive to Muslim feminist – Interview with Yvonne Ridley
- South Korea: churches face new mission to rejuvenate
- Research: the Islamization of knowledge – Interview with Farid Alatas
- Iraq: coordinated blasts rock churches
- Religion in Europe: Muslims in the EU capital – identity vs integration
- Malaysia: Government rules Catholic newspaper must abide by ruling not to use ‘Allah’ for God
- India: pilgrimage to Sabarimala – farewell to a hundred pilgrims
- Algeria: crackdown on churches
- Religion and money: Islamic finance
- USA: race for Democratic candidacy shows new religious side to Party
- Pakistan: Islamic parties after the elections
- U.S.A.: Latter-Day Saint polygamous groups face uncertain future after Texas raid
- India: does Hinduism exist? Interview with Martin Fárek
- Religion and media: global TV network spreads charismatic prophetic movement
- Anglican Communion: Church of England makes historic decision for women bishops
- Music: Heavy Metal finds hearing in Islamic societies
- USA: report of mosque surveillance stirs wide concerns among Muslims
- USA: new survey shows Americans non-dogmatic and tolerant on religion
- Saudi Arabia: clergy and monarchy attempt to repair their image
- India: a visit to the Oneness Temple of Amma-Bhagwan
- USA: 9/11’s spiritual effect found to be short-lived among American young adults
- USA: growing Indian membership leads to conflict in Vedanta Movement
- Africa: Kenya’s Pentecostal women taking on new political role
- United States: religion journalists address faith and politics and `shrinking newsprint’ and new media
- Religion in the USA: American Catholic bishop’s book seeks to rally faithful to political action
- USA: new study of Orthodox laity finds more unity than division
- Religion and communication: can ads help the image of Islam? – Interview with Michael Hastings Black
- Peru: the festival of the Señor de los Milagros (Lord of Miracles)
- North America: new Anglican Church in U.S. and Canada draws conservative dissenters
- Malaysia and Indonesia: reactions after the fatwa forbidding Muslims to practice yoga
- France: Sikhs challenge turban ban before UN body
- India: the engineering of Sadhguru’s Isha
- Religion in Africa: Nigeria becomes a powerhouse of evangelical filmmaking
- France: Kolob Order blends Mormonism and Freemasonry
- Religion and technology: video games in the Arab world and beyond – Interview with Vit Sisler
- USA: election of Episcopal Bishop claiming Buddhist lay ordination draws controversy
- Brazil: Catholic movement changes image and finds growth, Vatican recognition
- Religion around the world: new initiative will seed research on global Pentecostal-Charismatic movements
- Religion and homosexuality: South African priest upsets Hindu community after gay wedding rites
- Hinduism: are gods turning against Nepal’s Maoist government?
- Reformed Church: celebrating Calvin by planning merger
- Religion in the world: book finds faith making a return—US-style
- India: outrage over Golden Temple replica in Punjab
- India: Sikh leaders order demolition of Golden Temple replica
- Analysis: the rise or the fall of Scientology?
- Lutherans: American Lutheran Church’s vote on gay rights to carry wide significance
- Tibetan Buddhism: China erases Dalai Lama’s face from Lhasa
- India: shariat courts to also act as counsellors to save marriages
- Islam: mapping the global Muslim population
- Book: sociologists devout on doubt and moderation
- Central America: Evangelical Churches find protection among gang members
- Italy: Dalai Lama enters crucifix debate
- India: ‘Vande Mataram controversy uncalled for’, say Muslim personalities
- Analysis: a majority of Swiss voters decide to ban the building of new minarets
- Africa: growing African Unitarians offer liberal alternative but with a difference
- USA: decline in conservative Churches
- USA: Sikh with turban taken back in US Army
- India: Uttarakhand to train yoga gurus to tackle swine flu
- Catholicism and Anglicanism: new Vatican provisions offer new day for Anglican converts in the US
- Catholicism and Orthodoxy: a forgotten page of the history of uniatism in Albania
- France: French Sikhs bringing turban ban issue to Delhi
- Buddhism: campaign to turn Bodh Gaya into vegetarian zone
- Christian-Muslim relations: Swiss Evangelicals criticize minaret ban
- Nigeria: Pentecostal boom—healing or reflecting a failing state?
- Judaism: Orthodox Jewish women as rabbis? It’s all in the name
- Popular religion in India: where Hindus and Muslims pray together
- Islamic movement: Hizbut Tahrir’s new drive in the Levant – An interview with Dr. Mohammed Jaber
- Anglicans and Episcopalians: Anglican groups around the world accept Vatican invitation
- Christians in the Middle East: Dbayee — a snapshot into exiled Christian Palestine
- Taiwan: Mount Zion and Typhoon Morakot — a new religious movement’s response to a natural disaster
- Sikhism: Canadian Sikh divisions deepen over scripture
- Analysis: survey into the religious and ideological roots of Iran’s political crisis
- United States: sociologist finds Christian activism and politics ineffective and damaging
- Canada: Islamic mortgage system introduced for Muslims
- United States: religious and spiritual scientists defying religion-science feud
- India: Lucknow’s Bada Mangal — experiencing a festival
- Islam in Japan – An Interview with Professor Hassan Ko Nakata
- Hinduism: faith drives millions to throng Deoghar temple
- Catholicism: Vatican mulling Arabic and Russian versions of website
- Research: anthropologists rediscover an ancient religion—Eastern Christianity
- Islam in India: a journey through Deoband
- Islamic movements: the Jammat-e-Islami in India – an interview with Ejaz Ahmed Aslam
- Hinduism and Islam: India’s biggest religious headache – the mosque-temple dispute at Ayodhya
- Peru: Dia de los Difuntos (Day of the Deceased) in Lima and Cuzco
- Religion and environment: Sikh group to launch global ecological movement
- Tibet and Buddhism: Dalai Lama won’t exit any time soon
- Evangelicals: megachurches find following, criticism in French society
- Australia: scholars question Islamic “revival” among Aboriginal Australians
- Hinduism: a wintry tryst with the Bhagavad Katha
- Islam: reviewing Shiite-Sunni relations in India – an interview with Seyed Mohammad Asgari
- Religion and health: Russian Orthodox HIV and drug treatment programs find mixed results, unintended consequences
- Tunisia: the advent of liberal Islamism – an interview with Rashid Al-Ghannouchi
- Egypt: Islam in the insurrection
- Research: a renewal of the American metaphysical religion – an analysis of Christ Church Unity
- Book: Mormon polygamy increasingly modern and diverse
- Arabia: protest and revolution – An Interview with Saad Al-Faqih
- Nepal: Christians and Hindus heading for clash over burial ground?
- India: Sathya Sai Baba passes away, millions in grief
- Hindus in the West: American Hinduism expanding while European Hindu events give religion a public voice
- Islam: new study finds similarities and differences between Muslim and non-Muslim societies
- India: the unified philosophy of Ramashram Satsang, Mathura
- Transhumanism: a “secular spirituality” of life extension and cosmic consciousness finds mainstream hearing
- United States: anti-Islamist activists find political support and new opposition following Norway killings
- Saudi Arabia: the religious dimension of dissent
- Religion and debt crisis: American Christians divided on crisis and spending cuts
- Tajikistan: the influence of migration on religion
- Book: sociologists seeks to explain the dearth of extremist Muslim terrorism
- Orthodox Church: Russia’s pro-life movement evolves from parish activism to official Church engagement
- Islam: comic book and animated series seeks to create peaceful pop culture heroes in Muslim world
- Orthodox Church: monastic movement raising new controversy in Greek Orthodoxy in America
- Religion in 2011: revolutionary and conservative
- United States: Mormonism—’pragmatic and moderate,’ but influential in Republican bid for White House
- United States: new book finds Eastern Orthodox converts embrace tradition and spiritual marketplace
- United States: Washington rally shows atheist influence and bid for greater acceptance
- United States: religion in American prisons thriving
- United States: the beginnings of a neo-traditionalist revival in American Catholic church architecture?
- Research: testing prayer draws support and doubt from believers and scientists
- China: religious revival reaching into businesses and driven by competition
- United States: liberal reform of Catholic Church spawning new religious movements
- India: Catholics protest their portrayal in Bollywood films
- Africa: sociologists cite religion as a key factor in preventing and alleviating AIDS epidemic
- United States: changes in Roman Catholic Mass show wide acceptance by American Catholics
- 2012: new diversity and conflict marks religion
- Emirates: world’s largest Catholic parish activates its laity in Islamic Dubai
- India: plans to boost faith tourism
- Islam: politically engaged Muslims addressing and adapting to challenges
- Europe: Spain and Portugal show success in Muslim integration
- Tunisia: Islam and politics two years after the Revolution – interview with Rashid Al-Ghannouchi
- Religion in the armed forces: U.S. military chaplains fighting their own kind of culture wars
- Religion in Israel: secularization Israeli-style bends rather than fights religious regulations
- India: Kerala temple – where the lady with the lamp is a man
- Religion and environment: water for the gods – now being conserved in temples
- India: tithing translates into financial planning for Dalit Christians
- India: Muslim parties echo minority aspirations
- Apocalypticism: experiment finds believers forego economic incentives in their end times beliefs
- Azerbaijan: Elshan Mustafaoglu and Menevi Saflig Devet – a portrait of Islamic social activism in Baku
- United States: sociologist seeks spirituality-health connections in everyday hospital life
- Evangelicals: Christian movement seeking to convert Confucian fathers to sensitive family men
- China: Catholicism’s social and political impact strong in Hong Kong, weaker in other cities in Greater China
- China: when will five-fold state-backed religious monopoly end?
- Islamic movements: the Muslim Brotherhood – in eclipse or in transformation?
- Christianity: sister churches increasing bonds between congregations in the West and global South – Interview with Janel Bakker
- India: a village where Hindu girls wear the sacred thread
- Egypt: the Muslim Brotherhood in exile – An Interview with Mohammad Soudan
- Book review: re-imagining the Caliphate
- Islam: the Caliphate debate – Interview with Reza Pankhurst
- Lebanon: the rise of Christian nationalism – Interview with Maximilian Felsch
- New religious movements: alternative religions serving up innovations in food and faith
- Religion and space research: the evangelical deficit on space exploration
- Book review: an analysis of the Harun Yahya enterprise
- Book review: the presence of Orthodox Churches in Western Europe – migration, settlement and innovation
- Tunisia: Islamists in fragile democracy – Interview with Rashid Ghannouchi
- Analysis: Catholic-Protestant competition accelerating the numbers of Catholic saints?
- Book review: ISIS between caliphate and apocalypse
- Book: the emergence of modern Shi’ism
- Sufis, Salafis and Islamists: an authoritative survey of Britain’s changing Islamic landscape
- Book: Salafi-Jihadism — A scholarly treatment of Islamic militancy
- Conference: evolving shades of jihadism – ISIS in Europe
- Book: an exhaustive study of Salafism and its foundational doctrine of ‘loyalty and disavowal’
- Research: a brief overview of the attitudes of Western European states towards new religious movements
- Bhutan: should economists ask, ‘What Would Buddha Do?’
- United States: church planting and the re-branding of American Christianity
- Research: “occulture” and alternative forms of religiosity in contemporary Azerbaijan
- United States: Neopagans casting spells for and against Trump
- China: the list of “heterodox teachings” and the historical roots of the proscription of religious groups – Interview with Edward Irons
- The Return of the Gold Dinar – An analysis of the Islamic State coin production
- Egypt: Al-Azhar struggles to balance politics and tradition
- Report: Salafists and antiquities trafficking in Syria
- Syria: The Sheikh, the Bride and the Pilgrim – “Temporary marriages” in Sayyidah Zaynab
- The Murshidiyya in Syria: a modern religious movement – Interview with Dmitry Sevruk
- The True Jesus Church in Taiwan: Resilience, community, and the centrality of truth in a Chinese Christian movement
- Conference: The 17th International Conference on Taoist Studies: Taoist Ways of Enhancing Life—I Ching, Feng Shui & Personal Cultivation
- Syncretism, Religious Freedom and Revival: Taiwan’s Yiguandao