Sharp differences seem to have cropped up between priests who head the five temporal seats of Sikhs over a new calendar for the community.
© Copyright 2003 IANS India Private Limited, New Delhi. Posted on Religioscope with permission.
An independent website about religions in today's world
By Satinder Bains - Indo-Asian News Service , 22 April 2003
Sharp differences seem to have cropped up between priests who head the five temporal seats of Sikhs over a new calendar for the community.
© Copyright 2003 IANS India Private Limited, New Delhi. Posted on Religioscope with permission.
By Danish Karokhel (Kabul), 15 April 2003
Religious leaders have been learning how to promote and maintain Afghanistan’s new stability.
Danish Karokhel is an IWPR editor/reporter.
This article was originally published by the IWPR (Institute for War Peace Reporting), London, in its Afghan Recovery Report (ARR, No. 56, 15 April 2003). The Institute for War & Peace Reporting strengthens local journalism in areas of conflict. Religioscope has been allowed by the IWPR to repost its articles.
© 2003 Institute for War & Peace Reporting
By Geraldine Fagan - Forum 18 News Service, 15 April 2003
Despite large state subsidies for building Buddhist temples and training Buddhist monks, while “the basics of traditional religions are taught in a historical-informational context” in schools, officials and Buddhist leaders reject suggestions that Buddhism has become Kalmykia’s state religion. Members of religious minorities voiced few complaints about this government support for Buddhism.
© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved.
Forum 18 News Service (F18News, Oslo, Norway) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians. F18News is objective, presenting news in a deliberately calm and balanced fashion, and presenting all sides of a situation. The overriding editorial objective of F18News is to as accurately as possible present the truth of a situation, both implicitly and explicitly.
By Geraldine Fagan - Forum 18 News Service, 15 April 2003
Local officials met Buddhist and Russian Orthodox leaders in Russia’s southern, traditionally Buddhist republic of Kalmykia on 1 April to discuss their common “concern” about the growing influence of religious communities they deem untraditional.
© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved.
Forum 18 News Service (F18News, Oslo, Norway) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians. F18News is objective, presenting news in a deliberately calm and balanced fashion, and presenting all sides of a situation. The overriding editorial objective of F18News is to as accurately as possible present the truth of a situation, both implicitly and explicitly.
By Igor Rotar - Forum 18 News Service, 7 April 2003
Six Muslims in the village of Katarzan in the Uzbek section of the Fergana valley, including the local imam, were fined after holding prayers at their closed mosque in February to mark the Muslim festival of Uraza Bairam (Feast of Sacrifice or Id al-Adha).
© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved.
Forum 18 News Service (F18News, Oslo, Norway) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians. F18News is objective, presenting news in a deliberately calm and balanced fashion, and presenting all sides of a situation. The overriding editorial objective of F18News is to as accurately as possible present the truth of a situation, both implicitly and explicitly.
By VOA News, 6 April 2003
Buddhists have staked a claim to an Indian religious site already fought-over by Hindus and Muslims.
Source: VOA News.
The Voice of America (VOA) is an international multimedia broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government. Adhering to the principles outlined in the Charter, VOA reporters and broadcasters must strive for accuracy and objectivity in all their work. They do not speak for the U.S. government.
By Pradeep Mallik - Indo-Asian News Service , 3 April 2003
Religious minorities in Gujarat have welcomed Governor Sunder Singh Bhandari’s decision to withhold assent to a bill banning forced religious conversions that the assembly had passed last week.
© Copyright 2003 IANS India Private Limited, New Delhi. Posted on Religioscope with permission.
By Felix Corley - Forum 18 News Service, 3 April 2003
Not only parishes of the True Orthodox Church, but those of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church have been denied the right to register, while Belarus’ president has vowed to use all state forces to protect the unity of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Exarchate in the country.
© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved.
Forum 18 News Service (F18News, Oslo, Norway) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians. F18News is objective, presenting news in a deliberately calm and balanced fashion, and presenting all sides of a situation. The overriding editorial objective of F18News is to as accurately as possible present the truth of a situation, both implicitly and explicitly.
By Felix Corley - Forum 18 News Service, 3 April 2003
Fr Leonid Plyats, priest of the True Orthodox parish of St John of Kronstadt near Minsk, told Forum 18 News Service that his community will fight on to be able to worship openly and legally despite the rejection on 27 March of his parish’s suit to overturn the denial of registration. Denis Yelizarev of the government’s Committee for Religious and Ethnic Affairs insisted that the Committee’s assessment against the parish had been correct. “They slandered other faiths, that’s why they were banned.”
© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved.
Forum 18 News Service (F18News, Oslo, Norway) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians. F18News is objective, presenting news in a deliberately calm and balanced fashion, and presenting all sides of a situation. The overriding editorial objective of F18News is to as accurately as possible present the truth of a situation, both implicitly and explicitly.
By Nirmeen Fawzy - Arab-West Report, 2 April 2003
Following the attacks of September 11, President Bush stated that he would launch a “crusade” against terrorism. The word “crusade” with all the historical implications it has was understood, especially in the Arab and Islamic world, to mean a war against Islam or between Christianity and Islam. The topic has been given more space and focus with the now ongoing war on Iraq.
© Arab-West Report 2003.
Posted on Religioscope with permission.
The Arab-West Report (AWR) offers weekly translations and summaries from the Arabic press on Arab-West relations including Islam and Muslim-Christian relations. The AWR aims to show these subjects in a wider context, including a variety of opinions from press material ranging from government-oriented, leftist, liberal and Islamist sources, which should help editors, journalists, academics, religious leaders, government officials and others balance the often one-sided presentation on these subjects. Subscribers can ask the service for articles or further research on topics related to the Egyptian media.
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Cornelis Hulsman.
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