20 March 2018 United States: Neopagans casting spells for and against Trump Neopagan supporters and detractors of the U.S. presidency of Donald Trump are using magical rituals to either bless or curse... Read more
25 November 2016 United States: church planting and the re-branding of American Christianity Church planting, once the specialty of evangelicals, is now becoming more common among mainline Protestants seeking to reverse decades of... Read more
17 December 2013 Christianity: sister churches increasing bonds between congregations in the West and global South – Interview with Janel Bakker Religioscope recently spoke with Janel Kragt Bakker about her new book Sister Churches (Oxford University Press). The book... Read more
03 March 2013 Religion in the armed forces: U.S. military chaplains fighting their own kind of culture wars In this interview, Kim Philip Hansen, assistant professor of sociology at Mount St. Mary University in Maryland, discusses the changing... Read more
27 November 2012 United States: changes in Roman Catholic Mass show wide acceptance by American Catholics American Catholics have widely accepted the changes in the Roman Catholic Mass to reflect a closer translation of the Latin... Read more
22 June 2012 United States: the beginnings of a neo-traditionalist revival in American Catholic church architecture? Anticipation of the conservative liturgical changes brought by the Vatican in the last year has also likely spawned a revival... Read more
24 April 2012 United States: religion in American prisons thriving American prisons are just as or more religious than the society outside their walls, especially in the high rate of... Read more
09 April 2012 United States: Washington rally shows atheist influence and bid for greater acceptance A recent large gathering of atheists in Washington, D.C. served as another sign that atheism is finding a new level... Read more
19 February 2012 United States: new book finds Eastern Orthodox converts embrace tradition and spiritual marketplace A new study of converts to Eastern Orthodox churches finds that the search for roots and traditional forms of worship... Read more
09 February 2012 United States: Mormonism—’pragmatic and moderate,’ but influential in Republican bid for White House Mormon leaders are unlikely to be involved in the campaign of their fellow believer U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney compared... Read more