
The True Jesus Church in Taiwan: Resilience, community, and the centrality of truth in a Chinese Christian movement

By Joanna Eva - Religioscope, 6 December 2023
The True Jesus Church was founded in 1917 by a Chinese silk merchant named Wei Enbo. Later taking the Christian name Baoluo (Paul), Wei claimed to have received a vision in which Jesus personally baptized him, and called on him to restore Christianity to its original purity. The following report is an account of the historical context of this unique branch of Christianity, and the experiences of its members in Taiwan today.
A choir sings at the beginning of a morning church service in Taipei.

What developed from his vision is a charismatic faith marked by exceptionalism, with deep seated beliefs about the realities of the world, the meaning of human life and its relation to the metaphysical, and a calculable distinction between good and evil. Believers hold that the True Jesus Church is the one true form of Christianity worldwide, and the only church in possession of the biblical interpretation and rites through which a person’s soul is saved.

Today, the True Jesus Church is one of largest independent churches in the world, and is among the most distinctive branches of Protestant Christianity in China and Taiwan. Congregations can be found worldwide, from Canada to South Africa, fortified by the global Chinese-speaking diaspora.

The story of the True Jesus Church is a story of the creation of an international community focused on collective life, moral regulation and mutual assistance. The movement celebrated its one-hundredth year in 2017, thanks to careful efforts to protect, sustain and expand the charismatic spark that first birthed the church in the early 20th century. That the church has endured enormous political and social shifts during this time is nothing short of remarkable.

Over the course of several months in 2023, Religioscope interviewed TJC leaders and congregants throughout Taiwan, from large city congregations to coastal indigenous communities.

For reading the full article by Joanna Eva (43 pages), click here for downloading the PDF file (8,1 Mo).

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