05 July 2004 USA: Hindu university finds few takers A university founded by a group of enthusiastic Indian Americans two years ago to teach Sanskrit and dispel the image... Read more
15 May 2004 Central Asia and Middle East: US failure to comprehend radical Islamic motivations A leading expert on political Islam contends the Bush administration is undermining its own democratization efforts in the Middle East... Read more
07 April 2004 USA: religion survey challenges idea of secularisation Proponents of the secularisation thesis will be challenged by the findings of a new survey in the US which says... Read more
08 July 2003 U.S.A.: immigrants boost number of Roman Catholics Catholics are leading the pack of immigrants flocking the United States, with a large chunk of newcomers originating from the... Read more
19 March 2003 Survey: American churchgoers and war with Iraq Most American churchgoers are hearing about the issue of war with Iraq at their places of worship. But most say... Read more
14 March 2003 U.S.A.: State Department lists severe religious liberty violators The U.S. State Department’s list of six countries designated as “countries of particular concern” (CPCs) for severe religious freedom violations... Read more
11 December 2002 American Protestantism: four out ot ten Protestant ministers do not hold the same political and theological positions as their denominations A nationwide study of Protestant church ministers explored whether pastors tend to hold the same political and theological positions as... Read more
07 December 2002 United States: Washington announces plan to promote democracy in Muslim world Stung by terrorists who attacked America in part because of its support for authoritarian Muslim regimes, the United States has... Read more
16 August 2002 United States: Jewish groups feeling the pinch after post-9/11 hikes in insurance Beefing up security in the aftermath of Sept. 11 isn’t the only new hurdle for American Jewish institutions. Jewish institutions... Read more
29 June 2002 The American Evangelical missionary impulse – Interview with Prof. Mark Noll, Wheaton College Mark Noll is professor of Christian Thought and professor of history at Wheaton College (Illinois), where he has taught since... Read more