12 July 2002 Republic of Mari-El (Russia) – Mari Paganism: traditional religion or destructive cult? In accordance with Russia's 1997 law on religion - for which it lobbied - the Moscow Patriarchate is obliged to... Read more
12 July 2002 Republic of Mari-El (Russia) – Mari Paganism: historical confession without privileges Despite being accorded "respect" by Russia's 1997 law on religion, paganism in the republic of Mari-El (approximately 500 miles or... Read more
25 April 2002 Russia: tensions worsen between the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church Earlier this month, Russian authorities barred two Catholic priests -- who worked in Russia and had valid visas -- from... Read more
22 February 2002 Russia: varied State response to Orthodox-Catholic rift Over the past ten days different representatives of the Russian state have adopted varied positions in response to the Catholic... Read more