26 February 2002 Turkey: court ruling shows authorities’ refusal to see Alevism as a religious community Until a few years ago, Kurdish separatism was the only movement in Turkey that openly challenged the official view that... Read more
26 February 2002 Saudi Arabia: an ancient ritual, this year’s hajj wore a modern face Nearly 2 million Muslims descended on Saudi Arabia in February for the hajj, the pilgrimage required at least once in... Read more
25 February 2002 The “last anchor” of Serb presence: Serbian orthodox sites in Kosovo Since the arrival of NATO forces in Kosovo in mid-June 1999, some 108 Serbian Orthodox churches in the province have... Read more
23 February 2002 United States: new statistics for American Churches: 2002 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints now 5th largest in the United States For the first time, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) is reported within the five largest churches... Read more
22 February 2002 Russia: varied State response to Orthodox-Catholic rift Over the past ten days different representatives of the Russian state have adopted varied positions in response to the Catholic... Read more
26 January 2002 Orthodox Churches: schism in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) A schism has developed in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), one of the larger exile Russian Orthodox churches,... Read more
20 January 2002 Current expressions of the New Age 1. The term "New Age" has largely fallen out of favour in most circles. The preferred expressions include "new spirituality",... Read more